Fun Summer Excursions

With summer right around the corner and high temperatures already hitting Socal. I wanted to suggest some fun things to do over the summer!


Enjoy some time in the sun with family and friends! Bring a canopy and a mini grill and enjoy a small cook out! Don’t forget to wear sunscreen SPF 50 and covers against UVA and UVB light!


Although you have to wake up early, this is a fun activity to do with the family. It teaches patience and there are a lot of fun memories families can make together.

Water Balloon Fight

Go to your nearest convenience store that sells water balloons and cool off at home with a water balloon fight with family or friends!


If you live by any trails or know any trails this is a fun morning activity to do with family. In the morning walk through nature and get some fresh air! Take some lunch and have a picnic during or after the hike and enjoy being outside before it warms up too much.


What are some things you like to do over the summer?

Also always remember to wear sunscreen any time you go out into the sun!